Isolation during the 2020 Pandemic

I have been in isolation now for 18 days due to the pandemic and I miss my little shop which I opened only 6 months ago!

As far as I am concerned, massage and the sale of essential oils should be an essential service during a pandemic. It has been integrated into the Health Care system as part of palliative care since the beginning of time. My reason for believing this is that massage and essential oils relieve stress and anxiety by releasing feel-good hormones, it relaxes and calms frayed nerves, it relieves pain by offering warmth to a badly circulated area. Massage and touch give comfort to those whose feelings and thinking are not aligned with health. Also, essential oils diffused in public places like hospitals helps to combat stale, bacterial and virus filled air. Some essential oils like Garlic, Lavender, Ravensara, Rosewood, Red Thyme, Cinnamon, Clove and Tea Tree oil are known for strengthening the immune system.

Wherever trees are chopped down, history has taught us that humans suffer from illnesses. Trees and plants are a necessary source of beneficial and synergistic healing agents that protect their species from pests. When their healing properties have been extracted, in the form of essential oils, diffusing these essential oils helps to ease the healing and speed up the recovery periods. Trees like Pine have been proven to have anti-bacterial properties and Vit. C, which in turn improves circulation by strengthening cell walls, Bay leaf have been used to treat digestive disorders, diabetes, Eucalyptus are used for respiratory relief clearing Sinus congestion due to its anti-viral properties, Myrrh has a drying effect on mucosae and wounds that are weepy, Frankincense when inhaled calms down breathing, Lemon is well known in the fight against scurvy, Sweet Birch is a strong painkiller when used topically, Cedarwood resists rot and an insect repellant, Cypress has a drying effect, Juniper is an antiseptic and diuretic, Cinnamon Bark is an antispasmodic relieving spasms, these are but a few that every household must keep on hand.

So, my time during lockdown has been very beneficial, researching the benefits and applications of essential oils, and how to use them effectively on myself and my immediate family. They not only kept the air clean; they also made our home smell beautiful.

PS: Essential oils are medicinal and under no circumstances to be ingested. Also, all oils must be diluted before applying topically.

Essential Oil diffusers available.


Essential Oil diffusers