Specialised Kinesiology

Your body Your health Your choice

The word “Kinesiology” originates from the Greek word kinesis, meaning “motion”.

Spesialised Kinesiology today resembles more of a unification between the original science (which dealt with the interrelationship of the physiological processes and anatomy of the human body with respect to its movement), and the application of this knowledge through its manual muscle testing protocols towards the identification and balance of other structural, emotional, mental, bio-chemical problems.

It uses proven techniques from Applied Kinesiology, Acupressure, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Psychology, Chiropractic, Educational philosophies, Neuro linguistic programming, massage and particularly principles from ‘energy medicine’, and quantum physics into a modality that is flexible, completely non-invasive, and powerful at changing a client’s concept about their dis-ease or lack of wellbeing.

All our cells in our body are electrically connected to the neurology in our brain via the spinal cord and CNS, so the muscle testing protocol is really testing brain response to stressors rather than pure muscle strength.

How Kinesiology Works
Muscle monitoring is the key to kinesiology. This is the act of monitoring changes within a muscle response through a lock-unlock reaction. Kinesiologists are trained to use this highly accurate method to identify stress on a physical, mental, emotional, chemical, environmental and or situational level. Then, once the stress or stressors have been correctly identified and verified, we use the same technique to find the best, neurologically most appropriate options to apply to best assist you, the client, in improving Your quality of life.

Restoring well-being
We humans are self-regulating systems, designed to heal ourselves, Sometimes, however, we are unable to do the healing effectively for ourselves and therefore need to resort to seeking assistance from a suitable qualified practitioner. With Spesialised Kinesiology, the whole person is treated and all aspects contributing to health and wellbeing, or lack thereof, is assessed and addressed.
A Spesialised Kinesiologists aim is to balance their client in order that they might regain their own optimal state for healing through the removal or reduction of stressors and their effects, in the lives of their client, be it emotional, mental, bio-chemical, or physical in origin.

Kinesiology background
Dr. Goodheart D C is accredited as being the Father of Kinesiology when in 1964, he acknowledged that basic chiropractic adjustments often were not providing complete relief for physical disabilities and discovered that the problem was related to muscle spasms that were not being released. A study of the original methods of testing muscles described by Kendall and Kendall (ref: Kendall, 1949) led to the primary diagnostic tool of muscle testing which they termed Applied Kinesiology. Their discovery later included work from pioneers like Dr. Frank Chapman, Dr Terence Bennett, Dr John Thie, Gordon Stokes and Dr Paul Dennison, and thus today, Kinesiology has evolved into something far greater than just a health care system…it is a tool for Truth in the world.

Through Kinesiology you will feel….
• Healthier
• More balanced
• More energetic
• More self-directing

Kinesiology has been known to help with anything from A – Z
• Allergies
• Chronic pain
• Compulsive behavior’s, addictions
• Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD
• Eczema
• Fear and phobias
• Goal setting
• Headaches/migraines
• Learning difficulties
• Past traumas
• Recurrent infections
• Self-discovery and self-empowerment
• Sinusitis
• Sports injuries
• Stress
It is important to understand that Kinesiologists do not diagnose or treat specific illnesses because they do not work according to the “medical model” of disease. Rather, they work within an entirely different paradigm, that of balancing the body’s energy systems so the innate wisdom of the body can heal itself. Kinesiology is complementary to orthodox medicine, and works with, not against it.